Data sources

DataSource objects represent tables and queries that are used for database setup or assertions.


Using table builders

Tables are represented by Table, a subclass of DataSource. A table is created using a builder (TableBuilder), as returned by the table facade method. In association, the columns should be used to specify the table columns of interest, and the build method to build the actual Table object in association to a database handle.


import static org.jdbdt.JDBDT.*;
import org.jdbdt.DB;
import org.jdbdt.Table;
DB db = ...;
Table userTable = table("USER")
                 .columns("LOGIN", "NAME", "PASSWORD", "CREATED")

Key columns for a table

In addition, if you wish to perform updates and deletes using data sets, key can be used to define the columns that form the table’s primary key (or that in some other form identify each database row uniquely)


 Table userTable = table("USER")
                  .columns("LOGIN", "NAME", "PASSWORD", "CREATED")


Queries are represented by Query, a subclass of DataSource. A Query object can be created from a raw SQL statements or using a QueryBuilder.

Definition from raw SQL

The query facade method may be used to define a query using raw SQL.


import static org.jdbdt.JDBDT.*;
import org.jdbdt.DB;
import org.jdbdt.Query;
DB db = ...;
// Query user login and name by id.
int idArgument = ...;
Query q = query(db, "SELECT LOGIN, NAME FROM USER WHERE ID = ?", idArgument);

Definition using QueryBuilder

QueryBuilder objects can be used to define queries programmatically. The select facade method creates a query builder that can be parameterized using a chained sequence of calls. A final call to build in such a sequence creates a Query object for a given database. The parameterization methods are the following:

  • from: defines the FROM clause;
  • where: defines a WHERE clause;
  • distinct: defines a DISTINCT modifier for the query;
  • groupBy: defines a GROUP BY clause;
  • having: defines a HAVING clause;
  • orderBy: defines an ORDER BY clause;
  • limit: defines a LIMIT clause;
  • arguments: supply arguments for the query.

Note to orderBy: database assertions are insensitive to the order of query results, but the use of orderBy may make it easier to inspect logs in some cases.


import static org.jdbdt.JDBDT.*;
import org.jdbdt.DB;
import org.jdbdt.Query;
DB db = ...;

// [1] Query user login and name by id 
int userId = ...;
Query q1 = select("LOGIN", "NAME")
          .where("ID = ?")

// [2] Query distinct passwords in use
Query q2 = select("PASSWORD")

// [3] Get passwords that are used by more than one user and their count.
Query q3 = select("PASSWORD", "COUNT(*)")
          .having("COUNT(*) > 1")

// [4] Get pairs of users that have the same password.
Query q4 = select("u1.LOGIN", "u2.LOGIN")
          .from("USER u1", "USER u2")
          .where("u1.LOGIN <> u2.LOGIN AND u1.PASSWORD = u2.PASSWORD")

Summary of API methods


  • table(name) creates a new TableBuilder with table name set to name.
  • query(db, sql [,args]) creates a new Query data source from SQL code.
  • select(cols) creates a new QueryBuilder with columns set to cols.


  • getDB() returns the database handle.
  • getSQLForQuery() yields the SQL code used for querying the database.
  • getColumnCount() returns the number of columns for the data source.
  • getColumns() returns the list of columns.
  • getColumnName(i) returns the name of the column with index i.


  • getName() returns the table name.


  • columns(cols) set the table columns to cols.
  • key(cols) set the key columns to consider (optional).
  • name(t) sets the table name to t.
  • build(db) builds the desired Table for database db.


  • columns(cols) sets the query columns to cols.
  • from, where, distinct, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit, arguments: query parameterization methods (see above).
  • build(db) builds the desired Query for database db.